Tooth Extraction


Fort Worth, TX

Sometimes it is necessary for a patient to have a tooth pulled. Even though adult teeth are meant to last for your whole life, there are a number of reasons a tooth might have to be pulled. Some reasons might be to prepare for orthodontia or to remove a tooth that is too damaged or infected to repair. The most important thing to remember is that having a tooth pulled is a very routine procedure, and there are many ways we here at HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore) can help to restore your beautiful smile.

What Happens During A Dental Extraction?

Before we can do anything to the affected tooth, we will first proceed to give you a local anesthetic to numb the region before continuing the procedure. If a surgical extraction is needed, we may also give you a general anesthetic, which will numb the whole body and put you to sleep for the duration of the procedure. After the anesthetic has been administered, then we will then carefully place an incision at gums and in the bone tissue around the tooth.

Next, we will then take a pair of forceps, latch on to the tooth, and gently move it from side to side. This loosens the tooth from the jaw and allows for it to be extracted. In extreme cases, it may be necessary to remove the tooth in pieces, rather than all at once. Once the tooth is pulled, the we will apply gauze to the area to encourage blood clotting. If necessary, we may apply a few small, self-dissolving stitches. This will help the gums to grow over the exposed area where the missing tooth was.

What Happens Next?

It is important to let the site of the procedure heal. Since this is the case, we will give recommendations of what you should or should not do over the coming days. One of the very first recommendations is that you bite down gently on the gauze, so as to help with clotting. In addition, icing the area once you get home for 10 minutes can help to reduce swelling in the area. Long term recommendations might be to eat soft foods such as pudding, gelatin, or soup for a few days before reintroducing solids.

In addition, you should continue to maintain a healthy habit of brushing and flossing your teeth. You will want to avoid the site of the removed tooth to prevent irritating the site and preventing any possibility of infection. Finally, it is important to relax for at least a day after the procedure, so as to allow the body to fully recover from it.

Final Steps After An Extraction

The overall healing time for a tooth removal should be about one to two weeks, though it may vary. As you are healing, please be alert to any extreme discomfort, as it may indicate an infection. If the wound reopens, it is vital that you call us immediately. After those one to two weeks, the gum and bone tissue should regrow. To learn more about dental extractions, other restorative services, or to schedule an appointment with us here at HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore), please contact us at (817) 224-2251 today.