

Mouthguards (Sports)

Whether you are playing at a professional or recreational level, nearly every sport that involves some degree of collision and contact put you at risk of injuries. Even though most of them strictly demand the use of protective equipment in their rulesets, one important piece that is often mistakenly overlooked are mouthguards. This is a serious concern, especially considering the huge amount of impacts and blows that hit the head every match. A mouthguard does not only protect your teeth, but also their adjacent structures from severe damage. We here at HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore) recognize the value of these preventive measures, and we make your comfort and safety as our primary goal.

What Is A Night Mouthguard?

A sports mouthguard is a type of oral protector worn by athletes. It usually covers the upper teeth and gum tissue by providing an extra layer of thickness, capable of absorbing and distributing the force of an impact. This is achieved thanks to the use of Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) or similar shock-absorbing materials in them. The perfect mouthguard should be durable, comfortable, resistant to tearing, and thick enough to protect, while also not hindering speech or breathing.

They not only help to prevent trauma or loss of the upper teeth, but also minimize dangerous contact with the lower teeth at the time of an impact. They also help protect the jawbone from fracture or damage, which in worst-case scenarios may lead to greater problems such as concussions (if the damage extends to the cranial base). Mouthguards are designed to reduce the chances of injuries that may create short-term and long-term problems, which could put the career of an athlete at risk.

Types Of Sports Mouthguards

Sports mouthguards can be found in multiple variations. Stock mouthguards, for instance, are sold in many department and sporting stores, and they are fairly popular since they are less expensive than other models. However, they are less efficient, too. This is because they are produced within a “standard” size that rarely fits to the majority of mouths. Their quality and durability are typically far from the ideal.

A second variation, known as “boil and bite” mouthguards, differentiate from stock mouthguards due to the fact that their shape can be molded by applying biting pressure on them after being boiled in water. This helps them fit better into a given individual’s mouth. They are considered as a better alternative, although they do not perfectly mold in most cases. This means that they will not properly support your teeth.

Custom-made mouthguards, in contrast, are individually and carefully crafted by our office with an impression of your own teeth. This helps to ensure they met the desired protection levels you need. They are solid, high-quality, and their thickness and structure can even be adapted, depending on the activity or sport you perform.

While the investment may not seem worth it for you, it will save you the pain, discomfort, and expenses of treatment for an unexpected injury. HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore) strongly emphasize the importance of mouthguards and recommends their use to any athlete out there. For more information, or if you want to obtain a professionally crafted mouthguard made just for you, call us at (817) 224-2251 today.