

Fort Worth, TX

While crooked teeth or slight malocclusions are common, there are many who forgo the health and cosmetic benefits of a properly aligned tooth arch. Improper bites can make proper tooth cleaning and chewing more difficult than they should be. Crooked teeth in smiles can also make it difficult to smile with confidence. Although crooked teeth are fairly common, they are also very treatable. For those who desire properly aligned smiles, you may find that the clear aligner treatment provided by us here at HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore) can help elevate your smile to its full potential.

What Are Invisalign Clear Aligners And Who Might Benefit From Them?

Invisalign clear aligners are ideal for those who have mild to minor malocclusions. Typically consisting of a durable transparent plastic, Invisalign clear aligners can correct misaligned teeth to bring out the ideal arch and smile for each individual. Invisalign clear aligners are transparent, which helps to minimize their visible appearance during everyday wear. Typically, Invisalign clear aligners will be slightly opaque so as to not be overly reflective from refracting light. With Invisalign clear aligners, one may elect to have only the top or bottom arches treated. Our professionals will guide you with assured expertise on what the best treatment options are regarding your Invisalign clear aligners and their application.

Are You A Candidate For Invisalign Clear Aligners?

Many might believe that they have no choice for cosmetic orthodontic care outside of traditional braces, but many actually qualify to be treated by means of Invisalign clear aligners. These transparent aligners are a suitable treatment for minor or mild malocclusions. That is to say, Invisalign clear aligners can be used to treat gaps, and more moderate misaligned teeth, underbites, and overbites. While Invisalign clear aligners are often used as cosmetic orthodontic treatment, the clear aligner treatments our team provides can greatly improve overall dental in the process.

The benefits and advantages to clear aligner treatment is significant, and it extends beyond purely cosmetic results. By correcting malocclusions, your teeth are more easily brushed and flossed properly, improving your overall preventative dental health. Chewing is improved, as well as actual speech for some.

If you are struggling with adverse effects or ongoing issues regarding any malocclusions of your smile and bite, finding a high-quality solution and treatment is understandably important. Whether you might have one or more malocclusions, or any other orthodontic concern about your smile and bite, rest assured that we can help assist you and any needs had. Please contact us here at HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore) at (817) 224-2251 today