Inlays & Onlays


Fort Worth, TX

When patients have tooth decay and cavities, fillings or crowns are often widely sought solutions. Fillings work well for small cavities, while crowns work for covering larger areas of tooth decay or fractures. However, what happens when fillings are not adequate, or a crown is more than necessary? Inlays and onlays are perfect for those in-between situations. HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore) offer dental inlays and onlays as a great substitute for crowns and fillings.

What Is An Inlay?

Before we can do anything to the affected tooth, we will first proceed to give you a local anesthetic to numb the region before continuing the procedure. If a surgical extraction is needed, we may also give you a general anesthetic, which will numb the whole body and put you to sleep for the duration of the procedure. After the anesthetic has been administered, then we will then carefully place an incision at gums and in the bone tissue around the tooth. Next, we will then take a pair of forceps, latch on to the tooth, and gently move it from side to side. This loosens the tooth from the jaw and allows for it to be extracted. In extreme cases, it may be necessary to remove the tooth in pieces, rather than all at once. Once the tooth is pulled, the we will apply gauze to the area to encourage blood clotting. If necessary, we may apply a few small, self-dissolving stitches. This will help the gums to grow over the exposed area where the missing tooth was.

What Is An Onlay?

Bearing similarities to an inlay, an onlay stretches wider and over a cusp or more. Onlays fill cavities and spaces affected by decay, but it will not cover an entire tooth like a crown would. They are made with the same process as an inlay, and also the same materials. When a cavity is too big for a filling, or the tooth is in danger of being cracked, an onlay is the better choice. Onlays help to support the tooth with the strength it needs, while also keeping tooth decay away.

What Are Inlays And Onlays Made From?

Inlays and onlays are produced from a variety of materials. Porcelain is one such option. It is an ideal choice for patients who want tooth-like restorations. It has the same color of a natural tooth and blends in perfectly with the natural tooth. Composite resin is also another material that mimics the tooth color, but it is not as durable porcelain inlays. The oldest choice of material for inlays and onlays is gold. Gold is very durable and it provides the teeth with greater support and is not susceptible to stain. All these materials are a significantly stronger than fillings.

How Are Inlays And Onlays Placed?

We begin by assessing your teeth to determine the level of decay or fissure. When you are considered for an inlay or onlay, we would proceed to remove any pre-existing fillings or decayed tissue in a cavity. Next, an impression is taken. This is done with a specific mold. The mold is also used to determine the choice of material you want. This mold is sent to our laboratory for the creation of your inlay or onlay. If you are not using a CAD/CAM solution, you will have to make another appointment for the placement.

A temporary filling will be placed to close the cavity, pending your placement appointment. At the placement appointment, the temporary filling is removed and the inlay and onlay is fitted and cemented into the affected area. There is not much discomfort in the process, but an anesthetic would be administered if requested.

With Inlays or onlays, recovery takes a few days. Following that, you should keep up and practice good oral hygiene and get regular check-ups. If you are considering inlays or onlays, please contact us here at HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore) at (817) 224-2251 today for more details.