Fluoride Treatment


Fluoride Treatment

Our tooth enamel is demineralized every day after we eat and acid-producing bacteria attack our teeth. Even though our body has minerals that can help restore the enamel, the enamel itself does not have any regenerative abilities. So once a significant amount of enamel is demineralized, meaning it will not be able to restore itself and a cavity will form which will require expensive restoration methods.

Before that happens to your child, Dr. Guram at HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore) recommend fluoride treatment that can protect your teeth from decay and interrupt acid production which leads to dental caries.

What Is A Fluoride Treatment?

A fluoride treatment involves the application of the mineral, fluoride, on your child’s teeth. This treatment is done to reverse the damaging effects of bacteria in its early stages.
At HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore), we can perform a fluoride treatment in a single session of less than half an hour. We will use a solution, gel, or foam that contains a higher concentration of fluoride than what is found in toothpaste and mouth rinses.

The fluoride preparation is applied to the teeth in layers with the help of a brush or a cotton swab. It can also be applied with the help of a mouth rinse or a dental tray that is fitted to your child’s teeth.
After the treatment, your child should not be allowed to rinse their mouth or eat anything for at least 30 minutes so that the fluoride has had some time to be absorbed by their teeth.
Depending on your child’s dental health, you may need to bring them in every three, six, or 12 months to get another fluoride treatment.

Benefits Of Fluoride Treatment

The American Dental Association reports that fluoride can help repair eroded enamel, not just in children, but also in adults. If you are prone to cavities and teeth sensitivity, a fluoride treatment may be recommended for you.

Fluoride treatment comes with many advantages:

  • Fluoride can help the body make better use of bone-forming minerals like calcium and phosphates, which also make up the structure of the enamel.
  • Fluoride provides fortification to the enamel in baby teeth making them less vulnerable to acid-producing bacteria.
  • Fluoride may also help to reverse minor damage to your enamel and reduce the risk of cavities.
  • It can help prolong the life of your child’s primary teeth and prevent premature tooth loss, which is essential for the health of their adult teeth.
  • It reduces the risk of expensive and invasive dental restoration treatments later on in life.

Candidates For Fluoride Treatment

Even though fluoride treatment is most often done on children, it is effective for people of all ages. Children who are less than two years of age should avoid too much fluoride since it can result in a condition known as dental fluorosis. This leads to discoloration and white striations on teeth. Pregnant women should also stop taking fluoride while they are in their first trimester of pregnancy and should use the mineral only on their physician’s advice for the rest of the pregnancy and while they are nursing to avoid overexposure of fluoride to their baby.

At HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore), Dr. Guram offer safe and child-friendly fluoride treatment for the protection of your little one’s baby teeth. In addition, fluoride treatment can also reduce the risk of cavities in people who suffer from dry mouth, have periodontal disease, or a history of cavities.

If you or your child is at moderate to high risk of dental decay and cavities, fluoride treatment can be the first line of defense to prevent these issues. We offer Dentistry for kids, along with Family Dentistry. To schedule a fluoride treatment appointment with us, call (817) 224-2251 today.