Periodontal Care


Periodontal Care

Many people wonder about the origins of the term “periodontal care.” For those of you who are curious, “perio” means around and “dontal” means teeth. In other words, periodontal care refers to the care of the surrounding structure of the teeth. If the gums and area around your teeth are not well taken care of, it can lead to a condition called periodontitis. The symptoms of periodontal disease include bleeding gums, which are widely overlooked and unnoticed by people. However, studies reveal that every 4 out of 5 people with bleeding gums may have periodontal disease, yet people do not take this seriously. Here at HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore), we will help you fight against or prevent this disease by providing you with quality periodontal care.

Symptoms And Risks Of Periodontitis

Periodontal disease has three stages. The first stage is known as gingivitis, and in this stage, you will see symptoms like bleeding gums. This is the stage when the plaque, a sticky coat or layer of bacteria on teeth, and its toxic by-products will irritate the gum. This can make it soft, inflamed, or swollen, and more vulnerable to bleeding.
The next stage is known as periodontitis itself. By this stage, if the plaque is not removed or treated, then it hardens and turns into tartar. If it is still not treated, the gums will start getting looser, causing it to recede from the teeth. These deeper space and gaps between gums and teeth start to fill with more bacteria and pus, causing the gum to become even more weak, inflamed, and susceptible to bleeding.
The last stage, known as advanced periodontitis, will cause even more damage to the gums, bones, teeth, and periodontal ligaments. If not treated promptly, it can cause loss of teeth in the affected area. In some cases, moderate to severe bone loss is possible, as well.
Some other signs of poor periodontal care are teeth loss, bad breath, pus around your gum and teeth, red and swollen gums, and discomfort in the periodontal area. According to research and studies, these diseases are linked with more severe health risks, such as stroke, heart attack, diabetes, respiratory diseases. That is why it is crucial to treat any gum disease before it is too late.

The Procedure Of Periodontal Care

The procedure of periodontal care depends on how far the infection has spread. As the space or pockets between the teeth and gums get wider and deeper, more bacteria, tartar, and plaque gets deposited in there. This leads to the spread and proliferation of the disease. If this is the stage you are at, then treating the problem is easier. However, as the diseases move towards a more advanced and severe stage, cleaning and removing the bacteria from the gum will get more challenging, and it may eventually require deep cleaning. If even that does not work, you will need a periodontal surgery where we will reduce the space between your gums and teeth surgically.
However, you can prevent all of this with proper periodontal care. We provide periodontal care for you at every dental check-up. To help check for periodontal disease, we use an instrument to measure the depth between your gums and teeth, which should not be more than three millimeters. If you want to take good care of smile and help prevent periodontal disease, please contact us at HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore) at (817) 224-2251 today.