Night Guards


Fort Worth, TX

If you have found yourself waking up with sore jaw, dull headaches, facial pain, or mild to severe toothaches, then you may be suffering from a condition called bruxism. It is a fairly common condition, which is characterized by teeth grinding and clenching. Persistent cases of bruxism could lead to significant loss of enamel, often related with tooth pain and sensitivity, or even broken teeth. HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore) highly recommends the use of a night mouthguard to not only treat the pain and discomfort associated with bruxism, but also to help protect your teeth and ensure the restful sleep that you need.

What Is A Night Mouthguard?

A night mouthguard is a special device, which is designed to protect your teeth from trauma. Generally, a mouthguard that only attaches and covers your upper teeth is enough to work as desired. Acting as a barrier between them and their opposing lower teeth, it will help prevent damage to your teeth and jawbone, which is caused by the clenching of your teeth. It can also help provide a cushion to help reduce unwanted tension on your jaw and prevent any subsequent pain.

There are many reasons to elect to use a night mouthguard. By employing one, you can help reduce direct contact between your teeth, minimizing your risk of damage to your jaw and enamel. The ideal mouthguard should be resistant, durable, and well-fitting, so it does not become loose or dislodged in the middle of the night. It also needs to be comfortable as well, meaning that it should not hinder your speech or breathing.

Types Of Night Mouthguards

Night mouthguards exist in many types. Stock nightguards, for instance, can be found for a cheap price and in a pre-modeled shape. Even though they seem convenient, the fact that they are not crafted with your individual mouth structure in mind makes them a poor fit. “Boil and bite” nightguards, in the other hand, let you mold the protector by applying biting pressure after boiling them in water, as their name suggest. They offer a better option than stock mouthguards, but are still not as good as a custom-fit mouthguard. Furthermore, they do wear down fairly quickly.

If you have been diagnosed with bruxism, we may suggest the use of a professionally crafted, custom-fitted nightguard. They are individually made, crafted with impressions of your own mouth so they are a perfect fit. Our team will evaluate your case to determine its appropriate thickness and material (which can be softer or harder) to make it pleasant for you to use. Softer mouthguards are made of Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA), while harder mouthguards are made of acrylic. Dual laminate mouthguards are another variation, which consists of a soft inside and hard outside.

Fighting Bruxism

A night mouthguard will help provide a safe solution to bruxism and its many symptoms. Severe cases of bruxism, though, may require further treatment. Stress, anxiety, and sleep apnea may be the cause of your nighttime teeth grinding, and we can help determine and treat the causes of your bruxism. For more information about night mouthguards, please do not hesitate to reach us at HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore) by calling us at (817) 224-2251 today.