Dental Implants


Fort Worth, TX

Your teeth serve a variety of extremely important purposes. This includes helping to chew your food so that it is digested well and also protect your buccal cavity. However, tooth loss is quite common, particularly the elderly and those who have struggled with issues such as tooth decay and gum disease. While dentures (both complete and partial) and bridges were the only recourse in the past, these days, you may consider dental implants if you have lost teeth. We here at HomeTown Dental, Fort Worth (Sycamore) are pleased to offer dental implants to our patients, giving them a natural and comfortable restoration for their missing teeth.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are metallic fixtures which are placed within the jawbone, and an artificial crown is then placed over the implant. The implant is then allowed to fuse into the jawbone for a period of time (called “osseointegration”), and the implant (which is made out of titanium) behaves like a natural root. Dental implants a fantastic option for many patients, as they are the only tooth replacement mechanisms which mimic the structure of a real, natural tooth – and behave like one as well, as well. They do not need to be removed like dentures, and behave just like the usual permanent teeth, helping to prevent bone loss and allowing you to maintain your beautiful smile.

When Are Dental Implants Ideal?

Tooth replacement procedures become necessary when you lose a permanent tooth. This is because without them, you leave the pulp (the most sensitive part of your tooth structure) completely unprotected. A missing tooth could also lead on to damage to the jawbone, and also change the structure of your remaining teeth, as they try to shift and move into the vacated spot.

Furthermore, tooth replacement also serves aesthetic purposes. It allows you to eat, drink and smile without feeling self-conscious or experiencing pain. Of all the tooth replacement procedures which are available today, dental implants are largely preferred by many patients due to their reliability, comfort, convenience and durability. They also do not appear to be artificial at all, and they blend in quite well with your natural teeth. Also, unlike dentures or bridges, they can also last you the rest of your life.

How Are Dental Implants Placed?

Much like other procedures of its kind, we will begin by examining your oral health. We may take x-rays of your mouth, as well, to view the tooth structures. After that, you will be given anesthetic to help prevent any discomfort during the procedure. The jawbone will be prepared for the placement of the implant by placing a small hole into it. Then the metallic implants are fitted, as well as a temporary crown.

After the titanium implant is placed, the site will then be allowed to heal over the next few weeks or months. After the completion of the healing period, we will then check the tooth once more to ensure that the implants are functioning perfectly. During this stage, the temporary crown will then finally be replaced with the permanent crown.

Dental implants can help restore your smile, confidence, and your dental health. We here at can complete this procedure for you seamlessly and effectively. Please give us a call today at (817) 224-2251 for more information or to schedule an appointment with us.